Faversham Almshouses
Faversham Almshouses


Faversham Almshouses

Dating from 1863 to a  design by Hooker and Wheeler Kent, Faversham Almshouses is one of the most impressive buildings of its type in the country.

A strikingly symmetrical range some 470 feet long, with a central stone chapel and return wings some 120 feet long, the building is one of the most distinctive in Faversham being a prominent feature in the townscape as seen from South Road.

Upon its construction, the building was intended not only to house the residents of the various existing small and fairly dilapidated almshouses located elsewhere throughout the town, but also to provide a substantial increase in such accommodation for the townspeople.

Constructed of local red brick with yellow brick band courses and Bath stone mouldings and dressings to door, window and arch openings. The roofs to the Central Block, Chapel and North and South wings were of local clay Kent peg tiles whilst the lean-to pentice was in Welsh slate.

In spite of its striking symmetry and sense of order, this is a building which has evolved over the years since its original construction. When first built, it had residential units arranged over two floors, entered from a pentice-roofed walkway into a narrow and short stair hallway.  However, to help meet the severe post-war housing shortage, these were converted in the late 1950s into a series of single level bedsits in the long Central Block. In the 1980’s a series of single storey projecting brick wings were added along the north elevation.

Since 1614, our client the Faversham Municipal Charities have assisted with the provision of housing to those people in the town whose circumstances and requirements meet the Charities’ criteria. In response to changing needs and in order to plan for their long-term optimisation, a number of alterations are now proposed and Clague Architects were appointed to guide this process of design development and ongoing consultation with local and national heritage bodies.

After much consideration of different strategies, it was decided to reconfigure the accommodation and form a series of twelve two storey extensions on the more discreet north elevation which would increase all the units into adequately sized one-bedroom single level almshouse apartments providing better lavatory, bedroom and storage space. The proposals would further serve to improve accessibility standards by introducing external ramps in key areas and removing some internal changes in level. Various alterations are proposed to improve thermal performance, energy efficiency and reduce condensation. A new electric heating system is to be installed along with new internal joinery.

Detailed Planning Approval and Listed building Consent was secured in 2021 and we are currently progressing the Tender Package and construction drawings & specification. The proposals will be implemented in stages, in order to facilitate existing residents and displace as few residents as possible at any one time.



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